Manajemen Jaringan Persediaan atau biasa kita kenal dengan Supply Chain Management (SCM), adalah proses penyatuan bisnis dari pemakai akhir melalui para penyalur asli yang menyediakan produk jasa pelayanan dan informasi untuk menambah nilai pelanggan. Ritel dengan manajemen jaringan persediaan yang baik akan mampu meningkatkan ketersediaan produk dan return of investment-nya.

Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi bisnis ritel, salah satunya adalah sistem informasi. Untuk menampung/menyimpan informasi, pelaku ritel membutuhkan penggudangan data. Penggudangan data awal masuk melalui POS (Point Of Sales) yang merupakan titik dimana pelanggan melakukan pembayaran kepada pedagang dalam pertukaran untuk barang atau jasa. Data yang masuk ke POS akan diolah menjadi informasi yang berguna dalam pengambilan keputusan pemasaran.
Dalam hal manajemen jaringan persediaan, pelaku ritel dapat menggunakan pusat distribusi atau distribution centre. Peramalan penjualan yang akurat dan menghindari out of stock dan over stock merupakan beberapa keuntungan menggunakan pusat distribusi.
Jadi intinya, manajemen jaringan persediaan dan sistem informasi merupakan hal yang tidak mungkin lepas dari bisnis ritel. Manajemen persediaan dan sistem informasi adalah alat pencapaian keunggulan kompetitif. Pengembangan dalam jaringan persediaan dan sistem informasi akan sangat memajukan bisnis ritel dalam berkompetisi.

EIGER - The Real Adventure Gear

Eiger is the outdoor brand that famous enough in Indonesia. Eiger with its tagline as "Adventure Gear", has a variety quality of product, ranging from products for camping and mountain climbing equipment, rock climbing, rafting, and other various outdoor activity needs.

However, in reality the user or Eiger consumers not limited only to those who often in outdoor course. Eiger products can be accepted also by the wider market, because their products such as bags of various sizes, jackets, rainwear, footwear, and other gear, required by a lot of people in various activities.

Eiger was created in 1993 from a rented house that work as the office as well as shops. At first, Eiger only produce bags that is done by two tailors. Marketing is done simply through the "hand to hand" from person to person. While sales is merely revolve among friends or relatives who like adventure.

Now under the banner of PT. Eigerindo Multiproduk Industry, Eiger already has its own factory in Soreang, Bandung, with approximately 2500 tailor, 6 Eiger Adventure Shops, 18 showrooms, and 88 counters that  spread all over Indonesia.Eiger name itself is taken from the name of a mountain cliff in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland. Naming is not separated from the Mamay Salim role as one of the pioneers of the Eiger product, he is also a rock climber. Now in the Eiger management , Mamay Salim served as a brand consultant and consultant engineering. 

Eiger Logo triggered by Ronny Lukito. In the logo, the world is described as a large outer circle with blue color. Meanwhile the blue triangle means adventure and a red base color is defined as a spirit. Then, the Eiger logo mean "The spirit of adventure world".

For some reason, Eiger cant be the top in its sector, there are many competitors that has a good potential too, so Eiger need an extra energy to be the best in its sector. We can say that Eiger good enough in quality, same as the other competitors. But Eiger has a weakness, it is so weak in advertising. In quality, durability, price, an other scope, Eiger still can be a strong competitors. The other weakness of Eiger is, its product less known by people who not interest with outdoor activity. 

The possible solution that can make Eiger better from now is more and more advertising. Making some events for outdoor lovers will be verry nice to attract people, and in that event only Eiger product allowed, so they will know Eiger more from that event. 

Beside that as we can see there was never advertisement about outdoor gear in television, this can be a good chance for Eiger to get usuall people ( not interest in outdoor activity ) attenttion, even in this case, poster can be a good weapon, just like to convey the message in the great days.

CEREMAI - Giant In West Java

If in the other opportunities we had chance which can be used for vacation and we had feel tightness enough in our neighborhood that just filled with the modern buildings and shopping malls, it isn't problem to set our foot into the wild. Not many options we can take it if we just want to get it in the capital or major cities, but if we want to get out for a while and went to the mountainous areas, then we will discover the natural beauty that we can not see again in the city and towns.

Mount Ciremai which has an altitude 3078 meters above sea level (masl) is an active volcano Strato-type, located in three districts, which is Cirebon, Kuningan and Majalengka. This mountain also the highest mountain in West Java that included in the Taman Nasional Gunung Ceremai (TNGC) covering 15,000 hectares.

Compared with two others route, Linggarjati lane is steeper and harder, with a slope of up to 70 degrees. At this point Cibunar is the only place to get water, all water supplies should be prepared in this place, because after this there is no longer fountains or springs. From Cibunar, we began to climb through the fields and pine forests, to arrive at Leuweung Datar (1285 masl), Condang Amis (1350 masl), Blok Kuburan Kuda (1580 masl), Pengalap (1790 masl) and Tanjakan Binbin (1,920 masl). Then Tanjakan Seruni (2080 masl), and Bapa Tere (2,200 masl), for the next arrive at the Batu Linga (2.400mdpl), where there is a big rock enough in the middle lane.


From the Batu Linga we will pass Sangga Buana Bawah (2545 masl) and Sangga Buana Atas (2665 masl), then we will arrive at Pangasinan (2860 masl). Around the Pangasinan we will be found Java Edelweis (Snow Flower) whose existence is increasingly rare. In the top of Ceremai, we can see the beautifull scenery of Ceremai crater.

Climbing from the Linggarjati lane takes 8-11 hours and 5-6 hours to get down, so we must set up a tent on the way. For that reason bedding (sleeping bag, tent, etc.), and cooking equipment becomes a must .

This mountain is a good place to go for you who interest in adventure, especially by Linggarjati lane. Walking together with friends, drinking a cup of hot coffee with cigarette in the morning, the jungle, the cold, the sunrise, and the top of course, will be your infinite pleasure.